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Monday, December 21, 2009

Kutipan Indah untuk pernikahan bahagia (Seri 1)

Spiritual intimacy in joyful marriage
Oleh Rudy Tejalaksana, M.K.

The deepest needs of human personality -- security and significance -- ultimately cannot be satisfied by a marriage partner. We need to turn to the Lord, rather than our spouse, to satisfy our needs. 

(Dr. Larry Crabb, The Marriage Builder)

The highest calling of marriage is to reflect the glory of the covenant relationship of God and His people and the faithful love of Christ for His church. As God never forsakes His covenant people, though they often commit spiritual adultery with the world, and as Christ never forsakes His church, though they often sin against Him, so the husband and wife ought to love one another faithfully, bear with one another's sins and weaknesses, and never forsake one another.
(Rev. Arie Den Hartog – God’s Truth Concerning Marriage)
I am slowly learning that if I am going to love my spouse as God calls me to love him, then I have to seek God first. That is the highest priority. As much as I want to love my spouse on my own -- and on a gushy, mushy, ga-ga-in-love day I really feel I can -- I need God to permeate me with His unconditional love if I am ever going to be able to extend it to my husband. It's only through Him that the fullness of God's love can be made known, and that simple truth helps me realize my true priorities.

(Dr. Margaret Feinberg - Finding God as a Married Couple)

Many marriage partners today feel close to their spouses in every way except spiritually. In that area they feel isolated. Often this isolation cannot be kept in check, and it may creep into other areas of a couples' life and impact those areas, too. And the more one person wants to be close spiritually and the other resists, the more resentment will build.
(Dr. H. Norman Wright - Developing Spiritual Intimacy in Marriage )

Mr. Dobson yang terhormat, baru-baru ini suami saya meninggalkan saya setelah lima belas tahun menikah. Kami pernah memiliki hubungan jasmaniah, emosi dan intelektual yang baik sekali. Tetapi ada sesuatu yang tidak ada di antara kami, kami tidak memiliki ikatan kerohanian (spiritual intimacy). Tolong beritahu para pasangan muda bahwa tanpa Kristus pasti akan selalu aa kehampaan dalam kehidupan bersama mereka. Suatu pernikahan yang baik harus menempatkan Dia sebagai landasan supaya kasih sayang, damai sejahtera, dan kesukacitaan dapat dialami selamanya. Sejak suami saya meninggalkan saya, saya telah mencoba kembali membina hubungan dengan Allah, dan sekarang saya bertumbuh dengan mantap bersama Tuhan, namun saya hidup sendirian.

(Dr. James C. Dobson - Cinta Kasih Seumur Hidup).

Pernikahan yang kuat dapat dibangun bila ada 3 tiang penyangganya, yaitu The Grace of God, The True Marriage Commitment, Acceptance of one’s mate

(Larry Crabb, The Marriage Builder)

Before a couple can reach spiritual intimacy, each participant in the relationship must have already resolved the struggle with their own identity and defined who they are individually before the two can come together as a common entity. Spiritual Intimacy is where you and I become we. Siblings many times will be your first introduction to reaching this level.

(8 Stages of Intimacy)

How do we achieve spiritual intimacy? We must first recognize God as the One who has created us and designed a spiritual life for us. Once we have entered into a personal relationship with Him, then we are ready to share our spiritual journey with our spouse as we seek all that God has for us within the beautiful covenant of Godly marriage.
The Best gift you can give to your child is to consistently love your spouse
(Don- Katie Fortune – Discover your spouse’s gift)

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