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Benaiah is already with us. He is so precious boy.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


My Christmas Pillow
This Christmas story to be told to children or used in an all-age setting. All you need is a pillow with a white pillowcase. As you tell the story of the nativity you use the pillow as a prop to enhance the impact. You might like to invite a boy and a girl to come out the front and assist you with each of the pillow posotions. Have fun with your reactions and invite the children to respond. The photos give you some guide.
(Holding up the pillow) Who can tell me how many more sleeps there are till Christmas Day?

Some people will be hanging up empty pillowcases this Christmas time in the hope of receiving some presents on Christmas Day. But let me show you what I’ve called My Christmas Pillow. This pillow reminds me in lots of ways about the true meaning of Christmas

 Let me show you My Christmas Pillow’
The Christmas story goes way back to a time when a teenage girl named Mary loved God very much. She had an unexpected visit from an angel at her home in Nazareth.
 What a surprise for Mary to have God’s messenger come and visit her with some special news. The Angel named Gabriel told Mary that she was to have a very special baby who’s name was to be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High-God.
(This angel might have had big wings like these.)

  Hold the pillow firmly in the middle to make it look like wings.
Mary looked very, very surprised!
Mary soon saw that the words of the angel were true and she knew she was going to have a baby. Mary and Joseph had to travel a long way back to the town where they had been born - to Bethlehem. I don’t think poor Mary and Joseph would have had a saddle on the donkey or anything like a soft pillow for the pregnant Mary to lie down on at night time.
  she was going to have a babysaddle on a donkey
When they finally arrived at the town of Bethlehem they soon found that the place was crowded with lots of people who had come back to be counted by the Romans. Joseph tried hard to find a comfortable place for Mary to have her baby but as he knocked on doors all he was told was that there was no room for them to stay. he knocked on doors...
 Joseph kept on trying until eventually an innkeeper found a place around the back in the stable with some animals. 
 It might have looked a bit like a stable or a cave.
At least now Mary could lie down as the baby was about to be born. And that’s what happened on that first Christmas night. Mary gave birth to the beautiful baby- the baby Jesus. She wrapped him up in cloths and placed him in a manger.
... Mary wrapped him up in cloths. (Hold the pillow tight like a baby and rock.
During that night Mary and Joseph had a visit from some shepherds who told an amazing story about how they had been out on the nearby hills watching their sheep. They had seen and heard angels singing in the sky and announcing the birth of a baby in Bethlehem.
...visit from some shepherds... watching sheep...
They had run to find the baby. How surprised and joyful they had been when they found out what God had said through the angel was true.

Later on there were more visitors as wise men from the East arrived to give special presents of gold and frankincense and myrrh. They told Mary and Joseph about their long journey following a bright star which led them right to the baby Jesus. They bowed before baby Jesus to offer their gifts. They knew that this baby was a special king who was the ruler of all people - young and old, poor and rich. Jesus was God's Son with us
...wise men from the East arrived to give special presents..
You might like to invite a child to come forward and put their head on the pillow at this point and show how they go to sleep
Little baby Jesus didn’t have a soft bed or a soft pillow to lay his head upon.
 Pretend to go to sleep on the pillow. Perhaps snore loudly!
This child-king didn’t have the kind of servants who fussed over him and made his bed for him.
When you lie down tonight on your soft pillow you might like think about the first Christmas and say a big thank you to God. Remember, God showed us just how much He loves us by sending Jesus to live with us. When Jesus was older, he lay down his life upon a cross of wood to save all people from their sins.

© Don Stott,, 2006
The Son of Man has no place to lay his head. Mattthew 8:20
Did you hear about the guy who dreamt he swallowed five pounds of marshmallow and woke up in the morning to find his pillow missing?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Sebagian besar teknik terapi bermain yang dilaporkan dalam literatur menggunakan basis pendekatan psikodinamika atau sudut pandang analitis. Hal ini sangat menarik karena pendekatan ini secara tradisional dianggap membutuhkan komunikasi verbal yang tinggi, sementara populasi autistik tidak dapat berkomunikasi secara verbal. Namun terdapat juga beberapa hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan penggunaan terapi bermain pada penyandang autisme dengan berdasar pada pendekatan perilakuan (Landreth, 2001). Salah satu contoh penerapan terapi bermain yang menggunakan pendekatan perilakuan adalah The ETHOS Play Session dari Bryna Siegel (Schaefer, Gitlin, & Sandgrund, 1991).

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Tak ada manusia

yang terlahir sempurna

jangan kau sesali

segala yang telah terjadi

kita pasti pernah

dapatkan cobaan yang berat

seakan hidup ini

tak ada artinya lagi


syukuri apa yang ada

hidup adalah anugerah

tetap jalani hidup ini

melakukan yang terbaik

tak ada manusia

yang terlahir sempurna

jangan kau sesali

segala yang telah terjadi

repeat reff1


Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan

kebesaran dan kuasanya

bagi hambanya yang sabar

dan tak kenal putus asa


Monday, November 1, 2010



My Lord, You have mercifully exchanged Jesus for me. 
I know, 
walk in HIS identity, 
HIS power, 
HIS will, 
HIS ressuraction and life. 

My I live worthy in that calling, 
praying HIS prayers, 
seeking HIS possessions, 
desiring HIS desires, 
dreaming HIS dreams, 
doing HIS work. 

I'm a fellow heir of YOUR kingdom, 
and I don't want to waste the privilage. 
Please give me Your wisdom. 
Please plant your desires deep within me. 
Let me see Jesus' miracles, 
HIS power, 
HIS compassion.

Yes, I know I will also feel HIS cross. 
But I gladly will, if I can only experience HIS life. 
Please let me live as JESUS in this world. 
Please !!!!. 

Walk daily with GOD - 
"To be in CHRIST is the source of the CHRISTIAN Life" - Charles Hodge

SITI AMINAH - Hati yang dikasih Allah

Bagi kami, semua anak di Pondok Sukacita sangatlah berharga. Kami memulai menyatakan bahwa mereka berharga dengan memanggil nama mereka plus sebutan khusus mereka. Misalnya Rio Rajin, Yudha baik hati, dan sebagainya. Nah, ada seorang anak - namanya Siti Aminah. Kami memanggilnya Minah. Minah usianya 5 tahun. cantik wajahnya dan ramah sekali, meskipun perlu kerja ekstra keras untuk menjangkau hatinya. Kami memanggil Minah cantik. Kami selalu menjadikannya sebagai contoh kebersihan. Minah selalu berusaha mandi dulu, bedakan (meskipun wajahnya putih semua) dan pakai baju yang rapi, meskipun sederhana. Minah selalu tampil bersih dibandingkan teman-temannya yang datang ke Pondok Sukacita.

2 minggu lalu, adik minah lahir ke dunia dalam keadaan prematur. Dengan berat 1,8 Kg, Adik Minah lahir tidak sesuai perkiraan (harusnya perkiraan pertengahan november baru lahir). Adiknya harus segera di bawa ke rumah sakit, sempat menjalani inkubator beberapa waktu dan harus pulang ke rumah, karena biaya inkubator Rp. 600 ribu perhari. dengan alat sederhana Adik minah di rawat di rumah dan kemudian di bawa pulang ke Madura selama 1 minggu.

Ketika di Madura, Minah setiap hari gelisah dan selalu menanyakan mengenai kami. Minah kangen belajar lagi, main lagi, diangkat-angkat tinggi oleh saya, atau sekedar menggodanya. Pada malam hari, kata Ayahnya, Minah sampai mengigau memanggil nama kami. Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya menelponnya. Dia senang luar biasa... teriak...teriak ... begitu girang.Senang sekali mendengar suaranya lagi, setelah beberapa waktu tidak bisa mendengar suaranya.

Minah mengatakan bahwa selasa dan rabu ini dia akan ikut belajar di Pondok Sukacita. Meskipun tempat kami belajar kecil (banget - cuma 3X4M - untuk menampung 40 - 50 anak, weleh---weleh--- kata si Komo), tapi hatinya sudah ada di sana. HAti SITI AMINAH yang sederhana menangkap sesuatu dari rumah kecil kami. Rumah yang kami panggil BETHELEM dalam doa kami. Rumah cinta dan sukacita bagi anak-anak ini.

Beberapa bulan lalu, Istri saya pernah bercerita bahwa dia sempat bercerita mengenai bayi Yesus kepada Aminah. Aminah mendengar dengan penuh haru, meskipun istri saya belum menantangnya untuk menerima KRistus. Kami hanya melihat sesuatu yang berbeda dari hidupnya; Minah selalu jadi anak yang tinggal ketika belajar selesai. dia membantu merapikan karpet, merapikan mainan yang berceceran, dan sebungkus susu coklat membuat harinya begitu bahagia.

Kami hanya ingin selalu bersyukur bahwa Tuhan memperlihatkan keajaiban demi keajaiban lewat pelayanan kecil kami ini. Kami rindu, suatu hari, semua anak-anak yang pernah bertemu kami atau bermain di Pondok kecil kami akan bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus.... ITU KERINDUAN KAMI YANG SANGAT BESAR...


rudy dan MERRY Tejalaksana
~ Project M25:40

Welcome to my joyful blog

Dear all friends,

Hi, thanks for visiting this blog. We made this blog because We want to share love, joy, and faith to all in need. We love to serve and help you, especially children and adolescent, to find the purpose of your life.

If you are in need of someone who listen and care, please contact me. if you need me in private, contact us freely to our email: or contact us through facebook. I want to help you.... please let me know ya.

God loves you, guys