Rudy Tejalaksana, M.K.
We know for sure, that God is the creator of everything. Thinking about HIS works makes me realize how great is our God. Today, I would like to share about my 7 weeks' baby.
At 7th weeks, the size has double since last week (about13 mm / half an inch long). His / her hands and feets are developed by God. They are so tiny, looks like holding something so tight... ready to grow more everyday. The baby has a small tail, that will be getting smaller everyday. The small tail will be a tailbone after all process.
THE MOUTH: The mouth is getting perfect. So tiny but a powerful weapon to spread HIS love and hope to all in later days...
THE EYES: The baby's eyes are already have some colors. God is forming the eyes and cover them with safe eyelid. Lenses of the eyes appear. The baby is still can't see anything, but we know for sure that God sees him / her, focusing HIS eyes on this new creature. God is doing HIS plan in this new beautiful little one.
THE EARS: The inner ears are growing according to HIS plan. A pairs of ears to listen to HIM and to all in needs. The ears of a servant are being formed so wonderfully.
THE INNER PARTS: the heart was beating regularly while the heart is being divided into couple rooms with Great wall. liver, appendix, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys are being formed by God so wonderfully. The tyroid gland is being formed. The inner parts start to work with their simple ways. They work interchangeable because some of the inner parts are still growing. for example, the liver has to churning out red blood cells until the bone marrow forms and take over the job. God thinks so thoroughly about HIS creation. Everything is so well-prepared, well-managed. Digestion organs are being prepared. The Insulin hormone starts being produced by pancreas to prepare the baby to have his / her own digestion process in mother's womb. The intestines start to carry the oxygent and food to whole body.
Every parts are so tiny, that we can't catch by our bare eyes. God can see them all. HIS hand is ready to hold, help, and handle all parts with love, care, and joy. We can feel how God is doing all this with HIS joyful heart. God loves to do it. God loves to guard and care for HIS creation. God loves to do it to you too. What ever our conditions, God is still care, and working on you. So... be joyful... He made you and I so details, nothing of them miss from HIS eyes.... HE KNOWS EVERYTHING......
In love with The All-knowing Creator,
Rudy and Merry Tejalaksana
(His shelter Community)
Ps. Some informations and pictures are being taken from some sources :